Regional Wireless CarrierCase Study: Regional Communications Company

Software Services
The Obama administration had issued a large RFP for using stimulus money to fund broadband (wireless or land-based) for rural areas.


The RFP spanned over 100 pages and required significant technical and financial analysis.  Six weeks’ time was granted to interested parties.  Two weeks into the allotted time, Brainware Partners was brought in to develop the business, respond to RFP and generally manage the entire proposal process.  This was a heavily-competed RFP with opportunities and respondents from all over the country.  The company, a Wisconsin wireless carrier, was interested in bidding for areas within the state.


The company completed its proposals on time, doing 6 weeks’ work in 4 weeks (many companies spent months of analysis preparing for this RFP, but not the company).  Areas were mapped out, partnerships were established, detailed financial analyses were performed, and the RFP was submitted.  Nothing was omitted nor challenged by the Government.


In the end, the Government granted projects to not-for-profit enterprises, or to those enterprises borrowing money rather than asking for grants.  Most projects never happened.  However, the Brainware Partners CEO was offered the COO position based upon his leadership and knowledge.

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